Cookie policy

Our Cookie Policy forms part of our Privacy Notice. is the website of Atelier Capital Partners Limited which uses cookies to improve the performance of the website and give you a better experience. This cookie policy explains what types of cookie we use, why, and how to identify and delete them.

Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of our web site.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a very small text file that stores information on your browser or the hard drive of your computer when you visit a website. Cookies collect information about how your browse a website and allow the website to remember your preferences. This allows us to help you get the best out of your visit to our site and improve our service to you and others.

Some cookies are set by our third-party service providers. We set out below how and why we/our third-party providers use cookies.

For more information on cookies, please visit

What cookies do we use?

Cookies required for Google Analytics

Cookie NameExpiration TimeDescription
_ga2 yearsUsed to distinguish users.
_gid24 hoursUsed to distinguish users.
_gat1 minuteUsed to throttle request rate in Google Analytics.


Cookies required for the cookie alert notice.

Cookie NameExpiration TimeDescription
cookieInit1 monthUsed to distinguish users who have clicked accept on the popup notice.


Third Party Cookies

Please note that third party providers (including, for example, providers of external services like web traffic analysis services) may also use cookies to assess the ways in which you make use of the site. We have no control over these. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies.
For example, Google Analytics cookies are used to gather information for the Analytics service run by Google. They allow us to record information about how users are accessing and using the website, which in turn is used to develop the website. None of the information stored by these cookies can be used to identify individuals.

How to disable cookies

If you wish to restrict or block web browser cookies which are set on your device then you can do this through your browser settings; the Help function within your browser should tell you how. Alternatively, you may wish to visit or 7 Ways to Disable Cookies - wikiHow which contain information on how to do this.


This cookie policy is subject to change without notice. If you have any questions, comments or complaints please get in touch by emailing